In your opinion who is your top 10 pvpers of all time in WOM

yo dam, im sixth? i’ll be damned bro.

alright then fine here’s mine

10 @Misinput
9 @ThatOneGuy
8 @Flayire
7 @Derp
6 @AwesomeOS
5 @ThatAsianInTheCorner
4 @GlitchingEclipse
3 @Cryonical
2 @Broly
1 @snail

((very serious))


If taitc is here, theres something wrong

tatic too scared to 1v1 me and lose his status as the worst pvper

didnt you literally fight larmada

how is derp better than me I killed him during a tourney with 9 - 0 :sob:

it was 6-0 not 9-0 :nerd_face:

(the first number was the amount of sets won)


idk probably top 15-20
he gets completely obliterated by top 5

the wild worst

Bro wym I suck ass lmao

misinput is 3 spaces below me despite him bitch slapping me with a poison 752

flip that over and we have the real list (with me below snail) ong

that would mean i’m better than you

well is that not true already?

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i don’t think you’ve ever seen me pvp


cam u know this is beyond inaccurate


can confirm, i do not belong anywhere near top 10

This one is a joke i was gonna put Larmada on the real one