Intrusive magic question

Today’s odd question shall ask of the nature of these 2 magics:

:light_magic_var1: :poison_magic_var1:

now, poison magic creates clouds that can “absorb” light magic attacks, making light struggle against a poison mage more than usual.

However, what if a single mage had both light and poison magic?

would that mage’s light attacks be able to go through their poison clouds? it’s technically a negative synergy so it should be nullified, but, at the same time, it’s not really like a damage reduction.

garbage if u can’t aim with it

this LITERALLY has nothing to do with what I’m asking :fr:

aim is what makes two magics intrusively good

That isn’t even relevant to what I’m asking tho :sob:

Look, you need aim to shoot light attacks through poison clouds so it can go through

you don’t wanna be missing and it will not exactly nullify itself if you aim because you hit the shots

Flare this is literally my question though :man_facepalming:

normally, light magic gets nullified if it touches a poison cloud.

but if someone had BOTH poison and light, would that still happen, or would the light attacks still manage to go through the clouds since they came from the same mage?

If both poison and light went through eachother, that meant you aimmed correctly
if they clashed that means you missed

okay here’s a specific example.

you have poison as your first magic.

you have light as your second.

I use… 20 beam poison spell.

make a HUGE cloud.

and then shoot a light blast through the cloud.

let’s say there’s someone standing on the other side of my poison cloud.

will my light attack, hit that person, through the cloud?

yes because you aimmed it through the cloud and it hit the guy

okay but

remember that poison clouds are supposed to delete light projectiles.

does my own cloud affect my light magic?

@Cryonical aren’t you a tester you’d know this right?

your light magic is immune to your own poison clouds probably

One would assume so. Therefore, I have no idea.


considering how plasma/poison can ignite their own cloud… well

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I guess I’ll have to become the first ever person to test this out :man_shrugging:

wind is also supposed to clear poison clouds but ive never seen it

wind user here, i can clear poison and ash cloud, as well as putting out fire (even tho they do no dmg)

idk i never swap between my two magics and never notice the poison clouds

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