Invent a sea curse!

Funny, my FC2A Curse was the Singularity Curse lmao

pretty sure it’s called the black hole curse

i actually considered naming it that, but decided black hole curse was too long and void curse just sounded better, especially since it’s an elemental curse (void magic sounds way better than black hole magic)

Scorched Alloy Curse: Elemental Curse

think of hard steel with green markings

Like frost metal it has similar effects to scorch and metal.

Sunken Steel Curse: Elemental Curse

Sunken iron set making.

Midus Curse: Elemental Curse

the rebranded version of OG gold Magic.

Enlightenment Curse: Experimental Curse

Infinite Dopamine

Aetheral Void Flames Curse: Elemental Curse

Like Equinox it’s an unstable combustion of Glowing fire and Invisible Flames.

Forbidden Monarch Curse: Elemental Curse


Create an almost incomprehensible form of celestial astral magic that carries almost every effect into one specific blow. what should the effect be called?

Au Revor Curse: Experimental Curse

last resort

Celestial Singularity Curse: Super Curse?

A collision coarse of three powerful space type curses, the Exclipsal, Celestial Scorch, and Southern Star Curse crash landed into each other creating a almost god tier world destroying sea curse.

Um, what the sigma

pharaoh’s curse.
no one can escape pharaoh’s curse

Finally theres a upgraded sand curse

also space curse cause why not.