Iron Port X Ashen Volcano: Theme Mashup

Oh no.


Thank you very much. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Heheheh that is for Maccos collab. It’s a secret though.


You forgot to say sorry 10 times

Ironport but you remember it years after AO has been released.

Sorry 'bout that.

No really, I’m very sorry.

Trust me, I’m super duper sorry.

Like, if you knew how sorry I was, you’d understand.

I’m REALLY sorry.

My words truly cannot convey how sorry I am.

I am the sorriest person on earth.

I might be the sorriest person in the solar system

Perhaps the sorriest in the galaxy

Maybe the sorriest in the universe

I am sorry

:sob: noooo

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I will subscribittyboopbam to your Youtube Channel as well Tobi :sunglasses:

EYYYY. Maybe I should become YouTuber…

nah nah nah I think that will be too much work for rn lol.

And thank you for subscribing. usually I upload the video a few minutes before I post here so you may watch it early.

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Your music is insane. :musical_note::100:

Thank you. :heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :sob:

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I’m out of hearts but much love. :point_right::heart::point_left:

I’m also gonna keep working on my piano rendition of AA’s title theme, so I hope I can finish that soon.


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My procrastination will decide the fate of the release date.

father fang

dont k thx


Take as long as you need. I had been working on Seas of adventure for months before I finally decided to record it, and that was partly due to me not being satisfied with it and me just not recording it. You may find that waiting a bit and taking a break may actually help more ideas flow to you and help you create something you can truly be proud of. :+1:


I’m not sure if i’ll be making that much original music. Procrastination and lack of ideas. Thank you!

Nah, you are taking the right steps by playing not original songs. The only way I got to where I am is because I kept learning songs that I wanted to play. From there I just started playing around with the songs I memorized and exploring the notes around them. I basically learned a song then started playing the same notes but changing it up to create something else. Then I just started getting ideas from things I played. Actually, most of the songs I have composed were derived from me learning how to play Tokyo Ghoul Unravel.

Alot of times too, when I am just screwing around, I would play a set of notes that sounded really good. Then I would work to create something around those few notes.


Thanks for providing such a detailed and insightful response! I usually just play songs from memory and see if I can get the chords right to make the parts. Toy Kingdom (AA Title Theme) is especially easy since you can determine each separate note in the left hand chords very easily.

I’m also working on Concerning Plot (AO’s Title Theme) though I haven’t started writing it yet.
