Is anybody else avoiding the release menu theme?

Maybe I should just be enjoying it then.

the og one was from LawnReality and the current one is a remix of that made by Toby iirc

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To be honest, a concerning plot worked better as a menu theme. Less windup, less extra effects, and didn’t get repetitive. The current one seems more special, like it should be used in cutscenes or when you complete the game.


The new one is a bit too…

exactly, it’s also missing a large portion of the original song

Vetex add option to change menu themes and my life is yours :pray:


It was used for the trailer so that’s why. I agree that the original worked better as a main menu theme. The current one is very grand and big, it’s a little too intense.

I was working on a softer version but idk if that would get used or if people would like it.


Tbh even I try to not listen to the theme when I play AO, but mostly because I made it and am self-conscious abt it.

It’s a pretty nice theme, but when you hear the “wwwwwwwww” you just know the “blom blom blim” comes next and it’s about to go right over your own music.

Also yeah, for the Nimbus update of all things, much grander than it needed to be.

Excited for what comes with Full Release.

I think end of the day it’s just taste. Some people like it, and some people don’t.

yeah this is what im saying, your theme should be used for grand moments (like winning a war) but the normal theme should be used for the base main menu since its more melancholy as the direction ao’s plot seems to be going is


also about what i meant earlier by ‘it gets boring’, i meant if you play a grand music piece for an ordinary situation it starts to lose some of how special it is

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I like the dark sea one

please release the softer version as a menu theme, like the normal one but with fewer instruments

in other words make a less epic, more melancholy version so the original sounds more special

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perhaps you could post it, that way you could get some opinions from the community before putting full effort into it?

i want a theme where its just 2 buff oiled up greek men yelling at eachother while holding green olives

Lore accurate fight between Prometheus and zeus

i lob. green oliv.

black olives are better but still valid