Is cold water heavier

bruh ima drink it


dense in degeneracy…

and probably various diseases

Desnity increases as an object cools, increasing the mass of a certain volume if you take it out of a large body of water. E.g. take 50 mL of cold water and 50mL of warm water. The former would be heavier.
However, since water is weird as ice, where it expands and its density lowers, there’s a point where it stops contracting and starts expanding.

Also, mass-energy conversion only happens in cases where mass gets converted into energy, such as reactions involving quantum mechanics, e.g. nuclear fusion and matter-antimatter annihilation. So you can’t use E=mc^2 everywhere.

While this is true since it’s specifically referring to energy at rest, it’s completely unrelated to what you said before it

anyone gonna answer my question?

just hold cold water in one hand and hot water in the other

It was answered twice already or so. lol

Depends on how much water is in the two of them. If it’s the exact same amount then there’s virtually no difference between the two.

Other than one of them happens to have a slightly higher or lower volume. And that one of the bottle’s water molecules happen to be moving faster or slower than the other.

This question is quite literally a roundabout way of asking whether a kg of steel or a kg of feathers is heavier when i think about it.

I was only ever taught it in examples where a certain mass was missing since it was converted to energy.

I need a yes or no bro


come ON

Depends on case

Yes if you took 50 mL from a source of cold water and compared it to 50 mL from a hot water source.

No if you cooled 50 mL and compared it to the original warm 50 mL (assuming no water escapes)

bro this topic is bec I felt like it was after brushing my teeth

The answer is No

the answer depends
if you compare 2 glasses of water, both with the same volume, then the cold water would be heavier

if you have one glass of water and cool it down, then it won’t be, but it will also take up less space