Is the paper work from World of magic readable?

So I was checking out World of magic 2 when I stumbled across paper work which is an item you can find for a starter quest when a thought crossed my mind
Is the text on the paper readable?

I can make out some text on the page but I can’t determine what it’s saying.It’s probably just random letters put together but if anyone has any answers feel free to reply to the topic!

The text is formatted (with a title and paragraphs) so it is likely a real paper.
These kind of look like equations, so maybe it’s some form of academic paper?

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Oh I can kind of see that.It could be that yea

here u go
the text is barely legible but its possible to read it if youre super proficient in reading blurred letters or guessing words


rb1 found the textures in AO party:

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This WoM paperwork lore stuff gets serious


this proves that the WoM people had math

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maybe thats why arcane odyssey doesn’t have paper

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