Is this real?

Is this real? Ill delete it if it is, i just stumbled upon this screenshot

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i dont know

I didn’t get a notification from the dev updates channel so I don’t think so

Ok cool

Out of curiosity where’d you stumble across this

Spearbreak Discord, according to my friend


Most likely fake. Last time I checked Vetex doesn’t do ETA’s now bc of the July 4th incidents

I can’t see the image on phone for some reason, what is it?

It says that Vetex himself messaged that the game will release on January 29th, at 3:00 PM Est.

Definitely fake

@fish call that mf out

definetly not true

If this is true. Which it’s probably not. Wtf happen to mid January release is that still on the table

I can’t see the image for some reason so I just see a bunch of people arguing on if it’s real or not lol

it was someone saying that vetex said AO would release on jan 29th, which is 100% false