It didnt have a bulge this time


by skyrocket

by lypter

what was the difference?

what was the difference…

The focus and intent. The previous two are definitely not sexualized—the first is more or less just a character display, and the second has a focus primarily on the face and pose. The third?

Let’s see here: firstly, he’s on the ground, a state of disempowerment. His knees are together in a fashion reminiscent of anime schoolgirls (I hate that I just typed that). He has furry characteristics—a community notorious for its horny art. And the general piece just emanates an energy some would call “submissive”.

So yeah, that’s the issue. And don’t act innocent like this. You knew what was wrong. It doesn’t flipping matter if Morden did or did not have sexual characteristics in this one, as he was already being sexualized.



So this drawing with less detail got removed for the focus character sitting on the ground and having ears?

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Yes. Because detail doesn’t equate to intent or what it represents.

I’m sure Tuna can confirm, it represents furry death curse.

Femboy Aura!
Femboy Aura!
Femboy Aura!

as you say, character sitting submissively

as you say, referential to a sexual posture,

on a bed, a submisssive posture

clearly accentuate breasts with sexual intent via focus

Arguable, also can be considered targeted harassment if you say it like that

make your own meaning behind my drawing but that was not my intention at all

Hell f*ckin yeah bruther

your logic is flawed, you come undone. you only saw what you wanted to believe.

i have a small unrelated question

if this was posted in art, would it get taken down? (i jsut remembered this art existed)

probably not because it wasn’t made by me

The mods are simply tunas opps

You gotta draw some normal shit for a while so they stop paying attention before making more femboys

they took away the role