Oh yeah, casuals could probably do this as well since you should be able to get half of the estimated earning in 2 hours. Haven’t tested this but it’s theoretically possible since the two test didn’t show a huge gap.
So definitely, this will indeed inflate the galleon value if I explicitly tell how to do it.
shieldguard private chests or smth wasnt there?
thought there was a route that gave a crap ton of charts then ppl used luck 5 to do those charts and get stuff
You dont have to sail that much if its nimbus, since theres only a few islands that can have treasure spots you can just get a ton of charts and they will share the same island alot of the time
Perhaps he used a low-level alt to farm low-level NPCs to get high rarity charts more easily? Either that or maybe he got the charts before the screenshot
you can, your alt can have only one island like darkpine discovered, and they will only discover darkpine charts. your main can party with them and dig them up
i say darkpine because its an easy island, but mango isle could work too
if the alt is lvl 80 then they start getting charts for all islands. this is why your main should be the party leader and digging them all up so your alt doesnt get any exp from charting