The other types of loans are better for that situation, but maybe a grace period could get added where the items won’t be removed from the player’s character, even if they’re removed from the inventory, until they stop being in combat
Bout to lend my sunken for 1 second
honestly, it might be easier to simplify this:
Rentals are paid only in galleons, you place your money into a pool which gets spent day by day for daily rates if applicable
You can only have 3 active rental deals at a time (as the renter or rentee), and each rental can be up to 8 items (as with a normal trade window)
You choose how many days (up to unlimited until unpaid or canceled), and if there’s an upfront cost
Rental cancels are only processed at midnight, PST. A rental cannot be canceled by the owner of the items if there was an upfront cost (to prevent scamming for galleons). If you do not have enough galleons to pay a daily rate, it is automatically canceled. Rented items cannot be traded until they are returned to their rightful owner.
this is my take on how to simplify things
I foresee a dupe glitch with this
It’s already possible to trade away ship parts and still use them, since you only need the ship parts when you spawn your boat, but it’s not game-breaking. Not all loopholes are practical to abuse, and this one isn’t, unless you’re gonna be in combat all the time
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