It's ma birthday


thanks kind stranger :hugs:

Happy birthday

Funny that you share the same birthday as one of my irl friends

Captura de Tela (441)

happy birth anniversary

death comes closer every time this happens

happy birthday


have a cookie and ice cream

:cookie: :ice_cream:

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Happy birthday! I’ll make sure not to bully Suncry today.

Happy belated birthday!

srry I was late, just now seeing this

Happy Alive Anniversary!

happy birthday.

edit: it has ben removed :frowning:

Happy birthday ! C:

pretty sure his birthday ended a few hours ago

Happy Birthday, mate!

                   though it's gonna end in 3 hours

Happy New Years!


happy cake day moment

im def not late
i could wish you a happy bday in the chat but nahh
happy birthday boi

hapi birtday

Happy birthday bestfriend

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