Jewel Crafting is here!

how many more things do we need scattered around the islands :frcryin:

next update

  • added 4 different toolstations around different islands

True I missed that, still most listed rn are booty cheeks

here’s what I predict for the reagents for the other effects:

swimming speed: tide reagents
attack knockback: gale reagents
climbing speed: agility reagents

I don’t know what attack destruction would use

I think climbing and swim speed could be useful for exploration instead, depending on how useful the effects are

Agreed, smaller attacks and slower gameplay until higher levels really seems like how our current level is supposed to be. We got possibly 900 more levels to go but level 125 seems like the perfect pvp level, scaling is gonna be hard to deal with


Captain cabins will most likely have the option to add cooking pots, cauldrons, and tool stations so I don’t mind

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Prob not, if we could imagine what a 10 knockback gems wind mage full intensity could do

teleportation magic


Reaching mimhere was never so easy…


wind boxing warlocks

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Sending my friend flying into the enemy ship with the sheer power of knockback

I hope that maybe warding and insanity reagents can be used for jewel crafting.

maybe insanity could make the primary effect given much stronger but give the user insanity for having it?

I sure hope the gems can be removed from the items without the gem or the item being destroyed because uh “rEcYcLInG iS vERy iMPorTAnT

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Hmm, maybe that can be a thing at high levels of progression

i sure hope so
i dont want to farm for 10000 amounts of one specific gem just to experiment with builds
theres like too many layers of rng with that


i’m pretty sure we’ll be able to unequip gems in some way

There are a few games i’ve played where affixed gems can’t be removed without destroying them, so I wouldn’t be too surprised if thats the case for AO (though i hope its not)

me too.

seeing all this talk about gems brings me back to a game i used to play called king of theives, and there was a gem merging system that gem crefting reminds me of. the more gems you fused into the source gem, the more powerful and valuable it would become.

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i wonder if the jewels will like show on the armor attached, so you can see if someone has jewels imbedded on it in game without asking or carefully looking at what they do