Jewel Crafting is here!

The relief.

oh boy, I sure do love having the ability to give my armour extra stats. SURELY this won’tbe used exclusively for defense and power

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No ofc not (; also nice name

Thats exactly why I think there should be no power option. Defense MAYBE, but Power and defense are dominant stats

No one uses gear without one of those two stats on it, so gems should be a way for builds to become more diverse, shining light on tertiary stats.

I was thinking about ‘The Ocean Master’ kinda build:

Sailor Style, swim speed, oxygen capacity. Drag them to the depths.

phew that was my first thought hearing a mechanic called socketing

Boxing or Ravenna War shield with the Iron skin reagent on the gem

even harder to get a meta set now woohoo

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Just max swim speed if possible, air capacity straight useless due to water breathing

its an infinite buff and water breathing’s normal scaling got nerfed because of brewing skill, so it’s only useless if you have a high brewing skill

i have well over 20 of each gem

Edit after reading everything
yes like whoever mentioned, only the pvp ones are gonna be valuable, cuz no one cares about swimspeed or climbspeed, terrain destruction? plz no more holes.

Possible combo with knockback
intens aura, wind pulsar, ult blast(whichever give biggest push)
gear max intens ofc

I thought air capacity would be for jumping, which would be cool tbh.

A t jump buffing one would be a nice gimmick one though for those agility mains

U s e l e s s


ok minos prime

I will Judgement! into Crush! any air capacity user


for my savant i am likely going to attack speed and energy regen everything

for juggernaut i am likely going to defense, attack speed, agility, size, or intensity everything with energy regen (juggernaut is going to require sunken armor tho

The wind conjurer making their last stand (they used tempest):

As a side note, I don’t know if wind conjurers have knockback (they should to be honest)

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