Not sure if it’s custom made or what, but if it’s a Roblox item in the catalog, do you mind sharing the peacock thing she wears?
sure i’ll dm
Hera is the Greek godess of marriage (Roman counterpart is named Juno)
She is the wife of Zeus and peacocks are one of her symbols
I don’t know if that is a coincidence or not but nice I guess
Looks pretty accurate to me honestly
Don’t forget about other titans too like Cronos which hasn’t mention yet but Gaia does have 1 mention(Gaia’s tear which is Legendary tier Reagent)
I did NOT have to see that
Curious to see what rest of the existing or upcominy kingdom will hold for us to find out
yoooooo its iron man!111!1!1!
Elius, Carina and Calvus vs The cooler Calvus, elius and carina
Thanks to JTN skill in making a good design
i think king octavious would listen to three days grace
The original ravenna greatsword