JTN Doodles Thread

What kind of parental issues causes a man to outrage like that :sob:

Magic Council being Batman beating seven year old who stole a candy from his sister

plot twist: that’s his daughter, now living a life of crime

definitely not but still.

stole an apple, thats life sentence in magius, be glad that bandit was taken care swiftly

When did you add the guy in the back???

JTN comes out

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Hold on there are cages on them now?

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Not in AO, but there damn well should be.

Kinda built them a bit small, but I like them better that size.

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dont worry man i support you


love the tropical jacket and thick elius boots

Was the ice cream good?

it was ok.



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a quick practice


Who will win
The Fenrir Vs The Red sea

The Legendary Siegfried

idk, maybe the red sea cuz the ram is imbued with its sun curse

Bruh they look like Normal Ram Instead