POV: The entire Ravenna hierarchy has just collapsed; Two of the most important nobles are missing, Both core generals are dead or near death, the crown prince has deserted the kingdom, and your very king is dead. Not to mention the possible revolution of Tiberia
fuck that, the centurions need a break too, they dont wanna be dragged into the royal family problems
lego people doing lego things
for a suggestion
Damn, that’s cool!
He really remade entire AO combat mechanics just for a suggestion
That’s impressive
yeah, me and my friend are working on a boss concept suggestions (it will get taken down 100%) for shits n giggles
That’s some dedication for a suggestion. Looks like an earth or mud curse user?
Mud curse user, we couldnt do Earth due to lore consistency in AO
wait why? pretty sure Earth Curse was absorbed by Duzra and since he’s dead shouldnt it be back by now?
That character (Eremus) is like 600 years old, him having the earth curse wouldn’t really make sense considering AO takes place a month after AA, so Mud curse it is