JTN Doodles Thread

Ty for the feedback ill try to improve

How exactly do you do the armor/accessory retextures, whenever I do it, it just doesn’t look quite right

(for example, I remove the redcliff logo from an armor, but I cant get the texture seamless and other things like that)

The Smudge Technique.

Where’d you get the pauldrons sir master lord jtn?

i asked astral, although im not allowed to share them

Tough shit :fist: :pensive:

Where do you find your faces from? I cant find any in the toolbox.

i use a plugin that was specifically made for me for the faces.

Do you know any other source to get the faces?

Nope, sorry

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idk if i should upload this to fan art



A ten second video of the ethereal flame admiral looking at tye ocean and flying away is cool enough.
Like if his lil sense just tingled of danger

Just a question, but that seems to be a 1:1 recreation of Ravenna in the background? Where did you get that model?

i just do.


“Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, the peacekeeper of the seas?”


The romantic tension between these two-

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No. That woman is MINE!!!
(joke. dont take seriously)