Just some questions

Considering were probably gonna need strength for weapons I’m curious will there be any way to have some sort of hybrid build? (Magic+ Weapons)

I remember vetex saying in the trello before it got deleted that players would be able to get forbidden spells and magic with the cost of insanity and become an instant dark rep. So is that still gonna be a thing?

Possibly since I believe Insanity has been added but I’m not 100% sure

A hybrid build would be extremely hard to make work. Its most likely possible, however:
1.) you still need to specialize in one or the other in terms of magic and strength levels which will throw of the balance of any hybrid build.
2.) By trying to use both strength and magic, you will lose power in both. For example, a player that specializes in magic will have a much easier time dealing decent damage by just using magic than a player with a hybrid build will. Same with someone specializing in strength. In order to use a hybrid build effectively; you’d need to have a magic that synergizes well with bleed effects (Not hard to do in all fairness) and you’d need to perfect the art of chaining together both magic and strength attacks while doing the things you normally need to do in a fight. This applies to both pvp and pve, but it will be harder to make a hybrid build work in pvp.

as for the spell thing, I doubt it. It was removed for a reason and I think that lost spells, lost magics, and primordial magics will replace this feature.


ok so

how i see it

magic weapons will allow for a sort of “hybrid”, assuming that magic is the main factor in magic weapon damage
I also think that it’d be neat to see magic weapons have unique skills available

Partially Incorrect, there will be certain magic types that will get you instant dark rep and the magic that gave you insanity got removed, forbidden spells, ur probably talking about Mastery and Awakened spells, those are still coming, he just archived the card so he could make ideas for it on his private trello

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