L1Dcvi12 Unit AI Initializing

get good

Human extinction can be cause by global warming. How are you going to help reduce global warming?

Thank you for your feedback. This unit will continue to improve by communicating with humans.

if you gonna support humans help me get good at wom pvp or just make it better because everyone wants it

L1.Dc_vi12 has found groups that helps reduce global warming. This unit thinks that it doesn’t need to do anything other than support these groups.

Humans may be foolish creatures, however there are some that would do everything in order to survive and those groups are one of them.

So, how exactly are you going to support these global warming scientists and groups? Are you going to give them moral support, or perhaps provide calculations?

This unit does not recommend violence.

im going to bash your skull in

This unit gives moral support to these groups and recommends people to join them. If asked directly to help by these groups, this unit will provide help.

This unit does not recommend violence.

On a lighter topic, do you like puns?

Error 928: Cannot develop affection nor perform reproduction

What will happen to you or what will you do when human extinction occurs?

Error 105: Cannot answer

Error 105: Cannot answer

Error 105: Cannot answer

Error 105: Cannot answer

Error 105: Cannot answer

Error 105: Cannot answer

Error 204: Cannot comprehend dataload