Landscape Practices

0/10 I don’t see a Vistarian and a Alalean dead at the bottom of the cliff and a Castilian on the top

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Thank you, I’m trying to be a bit more inactive so surprised to see 11 replies. Usually I read everything I can.

@Tobi @SpiritOfGonb Like macobre said I use Procreate sorry :sweat_smile:

This was the video I was watching and tried to use. The second one I have not yet past the 5 minutes mark–I really want to :sob: The second guy has a lot of those videos and they look like they would help a lot.

Here are some tips I can give

  1. Rule of odd. Odd numbers of things look better apparently
  2. When the light hits something, there is also a bounce light. So if (sun) orange light hit a brown rock, then the grass below the rock has a tint of brown
  3. For the second art I posted, I used a greyscale to color technique. Similar to when I shared with you the color Tobi/Tong’s art, I had an add/shine layer on top of the original piece. The point of this technique is to get all the details and contrast correct before coloring it

@Skhan2587 I fr should have added that lol


Lol thanks. I actually watched these but have not practiced. Definitely gonna give them a go since I am doing some of the backgrounds for the Chaos and Creation comic.

Thanks again. :point_right: :point_right: :heart:

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Yeah, I wished I have time to practice and get better lol

Good luck!!! Can’t wait to read it!


so in both pictures, the lighthouse and tower are tilted to the left
the trees are a bit thick, which isn’t bad on it’s own, but it cuts off too abruptly at the lighthouse, ideally it’d surround the lighthouse somewhat.
considering the trees are that far away in scale, those plants below the cliff would have to be MASSIVE, overall I’d say cut the plants under the cliff, grass in the front is fine though.

we can’t really see the base of the treeline so the whole picture looks pretty weird
the hill is too flat along the edge, especially considering its supposed to be a meadowy cliff right?

I’m guessing those are clouds in the background too, but they’re way too big and symmetrical, don’t really come off as clouds off-the-bat

considering the angle it feels like the drawing went higher but you cut it out so the whole picture just feels wonky

the tower doesn’t really seem like a 3d object itself, it doesn’t make sense in perspective

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Gotcha poggers :grin:

Thank you for the advice, greatly appreciated

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pretty dang lit