Leaked AO PvP

gg ez no re

imagine light 20 barrage + light mode + casting speed build

the only thing that will remain is the endlag

20 blasts over the course of like 2 seconds

… a leak??

did vetex give the OK for this???


fire looks huge


the level cap had to be scaled so level 1000 would still feel like level 5000.

So this is basically level 450 game play.


Its the exact same hehe, aside from the visuals of the magic, this is still level 90 combat.

can’t wait till i somehow become a tester and that title will be transferred to me

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ahh, the wonderful FPS improvements :nod:

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Whoopsie, is something burning?

Lemme put this in words he can understand

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clientside as in hits flying past you but still hitting you because they hit on your enemy’s screen? do you prefer AA’s issues where you landed hits perfectly but they didn’t register?

AA hardly had those issues, it was like 1 in 100 blasts even in bad pings. WoM clientside occurs nearly every single blast.

Also there’s obviously gonna be more than 1 way to fix it, stop defending a bug that nobody likes.

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i don’t like the bug either, but i hugely prefer it over AA’s hardly working register system

i don’t know if you’re remembering things wrong but there it was farrr more than 1/100 blasts, and most of the time it would get you killed. i remember spamming my spears and tridents at a guy who was fishing and they just would not register until the fourth hit, like, really.

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Moonlight Light after the TGR update be like:

That was wasn’t the case for me at all but you’re literally acting like that’s the only fix to a bug on the goddamn planet. There are multiple solutions to every bug…

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bro its literally combat rn with slight adjustments wym lvl 450