Leaving forums

totally does not relate to a certain individual recently beefing in the forums

I hope this gets closed very soon

wa huh


Ok but nobody cares bro, everyone acts retarded at at least 1 point of time

Leave if you want to though

More Josh drama

Well then, see ya, tree.

goodbye tree :salute:
(i will remain here to lurk on other topics)

On behalf of the rest of the community that aren’t online rn, I will give you this official declaration of goodbye

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how as a semi lurker did i miss it ;-;

regardless fine seeing you, stay healthy and def don’t do that first part

Remember the Jasono17 Situation, this ended up being worse

oh dear god what happened now
(dm me about it not here of course)

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srry who

W (3 chars)

Nah that lasted for an entire month and it’s still talked about this shit is gonna die by tmmr

W secured until the next one :sunglasses:

It didn’t happen on the forums thats why you missed it

most stuff like this don’t really take place on forums

bye tree

what in the god damn fuck has this community become

Dust and Sand