Lego World of Magic Series - King Silver, Exiled, and Minotaur


HEHEHEHEHHE. Unfortunately, I don’t have instructions and he cannot be built because some of the pieces I used don’t come in the colors I used. It’s all made using official lego bricks, but I can choose to use colors that pieces don’t come in.

You like building Legos too?

I fucking knew it someone would mention me

anyways tobi, cute legoes

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Thank uwu :heart:

Your legos


Hand em over

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Step on them over my dead body. :sunglasses:

above me turned into 2020 roblox avatar


If only I could have that name for my Roblox user. :frcryin:

Guess I will have to buy his account…

btw, here’s a picture, you dare me to send it

I double Tobi dare you. :smiling_imp:

Orange sus.

forgot someone tho

Burger :sunglasses::point_right::point_right:

Hehehe yes. The man himself. The god. The ledgend. :muscle:

wanna know where burgr is

Where. :eyes: