Lets talk about mobility

Dual swords has access to mirrored river and soaring eagle, paired with a T jump and dodge reflex this gives weapon users insane mobility.

Berserker has blitz now, combined with selino, uppercut, airsetep, crash, slam, and more, berserker also feels very mobile and fun to play.

Now this is where I cry about mage, all mage has is leap and 2nd magic leap which is mid. Mage needs some kind of mobility stuff to make it less stale and boring. Maybe some kind of comet ability where you surround yourself with magic, fly into the air and come crashing down like Radahn’s meteor.

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no it does not bro you’re obviously a mage

dual swords is just one weapon that not many people use

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in my defense, set first magic leap count to 1, then set the other magic’s leap count to 5
always use the first magic’s leap, it only subtracts 1 ‘charge’ from the second magics leap

I play almost every class, also “not many people use” they will now lmfao

Thats a drawback of mage, it has some of the best turreting and holding your ground skills compared to other classes.

You could make the argument that beserker is boring to play due to the lack of projectiles, but that’s just how it generally works. Classes have weaknesses and strengths.

argument: mage might have only 2 mobility spells but it’s very op otherwise has a lot of everything else

this post is not about strength, its about fun

It also has unique spells to help it when it’s working in its niche, such as surge and snare.

It may not be fun to you, but thats really just how mage is designed, to be a ranged turret class. People who enjoy that play mage, people who don’t play all the other classes that have mobility. (Or use hybrids, which have strengths from both classes)


ah yes
i plop down my mage and it holds the west side

its not just unfun for me, mage is known to be the most boring class in the game,

zerk has shot and axe slash, variations of beam and blast, let mage also have 2 mobility attack spells

They all have terrible mobility, mage just has less directional.

Lowkey why doesn’t soaring eagle reset cd on landing on ground like mage leap

it deals dmg and doesnt destroy everything around you

mobility doesn’t fit what mage is supposed to be about


I kinda like it. As a Conjurer, I can now have up to seven “mobility moves” mid-air (Soaring Eagle, Leap 1, Leap 2 3, Soaring Eagle, Leap 4 5).
Airstalling has never been easier.

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I at the very least want some kind of spell that lets the player charge through the air quickly, kinda like what Julian did

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Whats the problem? You can pretty easily swim between the whirlpools.

Can you though?
I don’t think there is a single spot you can get to the island without having to escape at least one whirlpool

Alternativley add the sunken swords rising tide to that mix and you dont have to sacrifice height with the smaller leaps.

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