“Life is unfair” is an extremely stupid statement

TL;DR: Life is unfair, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make it as fair as possible, we should accept in that we realize it does have some truth to it and then walk forward in spite of that, because we have the power to do so.

Because even if life is unfair, that doesn’t mean we can’t make it as fair as possible. Honestly, it’s the fact that most people (at least to my knowledge) don’t even bother to think that further into it and just accept it as a fact of life when it really doesn’t have to be. Like yeah, life is pretty annoying and unfair sometimes, that doesn’t mean we should whine and cry about it as a sardonic, unescapable truth, when in reality we do have the power to do something. Slavery was certainly a thing that existed in humanity for many millennia, but we eventually did reach a point where organized, legal slavery stopped. Women for the longest time didn’t have equal rights compared to that of men, but women didn’t just sit down and say “wElP, gUeSs LiFe Is UnFaIr” and just simply take it. Thomas Edison created the lightbulb and helped people, and that was better than just crying about having to reside in dark living rooms for the rest of one’s life. Spider-Man sees a bank robbery, but doesn’t just accept he can’t do anything about it; nah, he instead pulls up and actually stops it because it was within his power to do so, and while people aren’t exactly as powerful as Spider-Man, they still do generally have some ability or power to do something.

It isn’t the statement that life is unfair that gets me; it certainly can be, but it’s the fact that people don’t ever think further into it and just accept it as a belief. The #BlackLivesMatter and LGBTQ+ movements are the best instances of it, where people do in fact accept life is indeed unfair, and then try to make it as fair as possible.

“But wait, @anon1881879, if people already do already think that life is unfair, but still have the power to make it fair, why are you even saying this?”

Because I think a lot of people don’t think of the statement that way, and because there might also be people who genuinely do think that life is unfair (and often understandably) and just not do anything, to which I want to say that it is not impossible to do anything in one’s power to correct the incorrect. It’s also because of the supporting statement of “that’s the way it is, just accept it” which just authentically pisses me off.


I wouldn’t say that everyone has the opportunity to work towards making their life fair; there are definitely people are born in circumstances that are hard to rectify. For example, a child born into a family that’s so poor that they can’t even afford basic needs such as sufficient food and water, let alone things such as education or healthcare. If this child dies of starvation at a young age, would you say they had the chance to make their life fair?

If we define a “fair” life as one where someone’s universal human rights (according to the united nations) are all met, then there are millions of people that are currently living in unfair life conditions. This can be due to a multitude of factors, not all of which can be changed for the better.

i wouldn’t say it’s stupid, more shallow than anything.

I meant it if there was absolutely anything anyone could do to make it fairer but whatever ig

The word is also “hard”, not impossible, so that isn’t valid. It’s also a bit pathetic in general to say that they absolutely can’t do anything whatsoever but, again, whatever.

Also weird to put the word fair in quotation marks

Life isn’t unfair it is unbalanced like bro being an OIL baron should NOT let you have an infinite money glitch and also certain NATIONALITIES get unfair buffs like Canadians get a 30% boost to cold weather, wtf???

Gotta be the dumbest rant, you admit that life is unfair but rant about how the three word sentence doesn’t add the nuance in life.

If somebody says “this game is unbalanced” are you gonna go on a rant about how they didn’t include what makes them unbalanced?

life is unfair because not everyone has the same opportunities, im grateful because i was born in a country with actual good education and in a family where i have basically all my needs such as food, water and shelter but that’s a completely different story for those born in poorer families or countries

this pretty much sums it up yeah

I necessarily don’t have a problem with the words “life is unfair.” I get your point, but for me, I think it much matters more about who is saying it.

I get what you’re saying when you explained how people say that life is unfair and continue to live in a fixed mindset about life in general, which I agree is definitely not the life to go through. On the other hand, I understand what Divanochi is saying when he says not all people are born in the same predicament and that they can’t change much. Would you honestly agree that a poor child in a village somewhere in Thailand has an equally fair life or is able to make it as even a fraction of fairness as a rich child in the United States?

My dad came from a very poor background all the way half across the globe. Eventually, he made it to the US and managed to make a living. I won’t get into the whole story, but due to the events in which his life has played out, you would consider him lucky to even have the opportunity to come to the US. However, many friends and family that were around him didn’t have the same privileges as he did, and have never had the chance to make their lives “better” to any degree. It’s not that they don’t make the best out of life, because believe me they certainly do, but their life is not “fair” by any means.

lol. lmfao even.


Too lazy to argue against this, others will do it either way, but life is 100% unfair. Some people are born into families with almost nothing to survive off of, and may never even learn things we take for granted like reading, while others are born with riches and everything at their disposal, with power and influence and are able to decide what happens with the common people. Some people are born in war. In famine. Deformed. Life is unfair, but life is also what we make of it. And even then, that is a luxury many cannot afford

Okay after reading the essay, I’ve come away even more confused. This completely admits that life is unfair, and that people need to make it fair. Now I don’t know if you didnt think this far, or if it was something else, but many people don’t have the power to change their circumstances. Those people have to accept that their ancestors lives have been unfair, and that their life will likely be unfair too. They have no choice, protests could even get them killed depending on where they are from. I don’t know if I misread anything (if I did I’m stupid and I’m sorry for wasting everyone’s time) but this whole thing feels dissapointing to read due to the flaws I believe to have noticed

Some people physically aren’t able to change their situation, even if they try their hardest.

Wdym, a paraplegic person should just regrow their limbs fr

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The problem lies in what you’re doing to try an make it fairer.

there is barely anything of substance on this to argue against lmao
yeah “life is unfair” is a stupid statement if you completely ignore the course of history beyond like 4 things