Light buff be like

Me as a light main, before the update it was already OP.
Now Lol. We can really abuse with the power of blindness.
To all the Light gods and goddess, you now feel more useful now.
Give vetex a big hug and a thankyou.

man this multi blast buff is enough to make me swtich my ult to be blasts instead of explosion.

i got 160 atk speed anyways on top of speed aura so ig it works out

Holy shit :skull:

my light thermo warlock be eating good
initially it was a meme intensity build (and it kinda still is) to burn people’s eyes out but now i can use spells and i wont lose thermo heat + the blinded duration buff? hell yeah

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Yeah that Light warlock go stupid

and yet some people were crying about the “nerf” (pulsar being balanced + speed aura only using half of a magic’s speed affinity)

It’s a bug unfortunately

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When Shadow gets a self synergy it’ll be joever.


When soaked gets a unique slow status it’ll be joever

Mud magic

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