List me the Roblox Usernames of people you want me to Hunt and kill in AO

KingCryonical (I need practice :sob:)

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sure i can help

ClashMaster273 (I also need help)

We call em customs around these here parts.


thank u

yes sir

Everyone, like in wom I will challenge partically anyone I find, that’ why I have 5k player kills

sure what’s your username

can’t get on rn, I can tmrw tho

Poogothepug, for no particular reason


i meant ao but sure wom is fine too

You should definitely track down this player named racerblaze, I’ve been having trouble with them and they act like a real jerk all the time

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bet :pray:

This guy
because he got very rusty at pvp and will be even more so in ao

Disboi32 (me)

try me

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go hunt down a player by the name of Eziamindeye. I’ve heard they are really weak.

Synvade. Fuck that dude.


I’m actually not that bad, pretty good actually, even tho the guild sweats beat me