List me the Roblox Usernames of people you want me to Hunt and kill in AO

Hey that’s a good idea, if I manage to get good enough I can ask money to murder people since I love killing

Ezia you WILL NEVER be hired, how about you go HUNT for Darkness Magic instead?

Allready doing

that dumb loser Phurtershep/Soleil_Xrd I hate them so much

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I would like you to kill the entierety of the AO playerbase … IRL

Im not letting him grip my ass irl for luck, I stacked with enchants and gems with 1000+ damage build gl :joy_cat: :pray:

wdym grip my ass irl for luck


what does grip my ass mean and why for luck ?


I have a knife

Lost a 4v1 to me and got toxic about it

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This is a golden opportunity to break ezia guys!

your favourite goth girl has a boyfriend now

ill challenge them to a duel and if they decline ill jump them

this is negotiable

Josh55555YT (reset not counted)

Josh ez tbh, I went 5-0 against him, well did try to tp and gank me in MY server region tho

deal but i dont think visan or keeper are gonna play ao

how good are u ? what if you loose to the person u hunting ?