Basically, though my inclination to not be so “harsh” when saying this to people says more about me than anything, honestly. Art is used and has always been used by human beings in an intersubjective way, so any attempt to describe art as a sociological phenomenon cannot ignore this. For most of human history this has been common sense but that common sense has been sacrificed for the sake of something else (I think it has something to do with the idea of intellectual property, but this isn’t a developed thread of thought yet).
I remember once reading an article on Maori poetry (for a worldbuilding project, if I remember correctly) and it was talking about the fact that they did not perceive poetry as “belonging” to anyone other than the culture itself. The article was interesting but I couldn’t help but think: “Isn’t this how it’s always been?” I mean, it’s not like Romans didn’t know that Ovid wrote the Metamorphoses but the work itself would have been considered a “Roman work”, if you get what I mean.
i’d say the opposite, while socialization can be a big part of art, i think the self satisfaction of having created something is worthwhile enough. if i make a drawing i’m proud of, it’s not necessary to share with the world (granted, if i’m proud of it, i would likely share it anyway).
So, after that time, let me redo this. I’m now giving advice and explaining my views on people here with more knowledge on you all. Also, if anyone needs to talk, my DMs are always open.
This is okay. We fail, we make mistakes, we falter. I can only ask of you to keep trying to be kind, good, and just. From what I see, you’ve not failed. You’ve faltered.
You got this.
Woe be upon ye. You are hardly immoral or mean, usually just discussing on the forums with little jokes and no malicious intent. I have no constructive criticisms, I’m proud of you.
Making this a tradition now.
You are hardly mean. At most, silly, and usually constructive and helpful for conversations and topics. I’m actually really proud of you, this is really kind and a rarity. Keep doing what you’re doing!
From what I know, it’s bending your knees, never keeping them straight, and then jumping and leaning far back. Start on a trampoline and then, on cushioned or padded ground. And remember, be safe.
Depending on wound. (Unlucky, c’mon, don’t be stupid )
Dislocations require force pushing back into correct placement. Broken bones require firm holding and splints. When bleeding, apply tight pressure and rubbing alcohol. If deep, you may require stitches. If not deep, simply apply pressure, clean with rubbing alcohol, and apply bandaids or bandages.
If stitches, do NOT MOVE THE AREA MUCH. IT may make them come out.
How should I approach making friends when I go to college? I haven’t had any since middle school, usually because (A) they act just like they did in Elementary (which was what, 7-8 years ago?), (B) because they aren’t the type of person I can stand, or (C) both. It’s usually both.
The only reason I’m thinking of trying out the idea of having a social life after graduating is because I’ll be in a new area with people who I haven’t had to deal with for most of my life. It sounds nice, but I might also try to coast through the years without talking to anyone else.
When it comes to socializing with new crowds, what’s important is kindness. Not overbearing, but be polite and don’t force yourself into socializing with them. Small, kind words that’ll make you seem both nice and captivating. Socializing is a give and take, and you have to give a lot at first, so don’t give any real details about yourself away, but don’t be guarded.