LiterallyLoki's advice/blog thread

I suppose I could try to copy-paste the edit I made of Loki’s writing snippet they included here, if Loki is fine with the wall of text.

the all powerful hide details button:

Ok, so I will preface this by saying that the entire thing is an edited version of what Loki wrote, which is why there’s so much and so many preexisting things.

This is Loki's story, but I just rewrote some of it.

"And here I stand.

At the edge of a blade most unbecoming of me.

In the end, wasn’t I righteous? Wasn’t I good, kind, moral? And what am I now?

Given the chance to die. Why do I have to die? Love? Duty? Honor? What love is there for me? It was casted away when I’ve stepped through this door. What duty do I have left to carry? There’s nothing left to me now. Have I ever held any honor? I killed those that I swore an oath to.

…oh dear. I am my


My hand reaches closer to that door ahead. I can feel that pull, the call of it beckoning me inside.

I mutter.

My voice is hoarse. It burns, and everything aches. Fuck. Isn’t this what I wanted? To not hurt anymore?

That was never enough.
I wanted to be happy.

…can I be happy in nothing?

what is “nothing?”

no no nonon o.
fuckufckeep thinking of that and it will only lead to thinking about

Openthefuckingdoor, Sam.

I breathe.

Do everybody a favor, Sam.
the door.

My hand begins turning the cold, bronze knob. It is frigid to my bloodied and calloused fingers.

I can’t stop shaking.
I feel like a child.

Wasn’t I always one? I’m sixteen. I’m supposed to be on some grand nature adventure. I’m meant to touch the mountains I’m meant to kill gods i only killed a fake fuckim suhc af fuckng wasttewhat have i evnen managed to dow hyhwyufck

I breathe.
I take another breath.

The vacant black void calls to me as I look at the sliver of the doorframe i can see.
I’ve barely pulled the door open.
I dontwant tog o

I breathe.
I take another breath.
I breathe again.

Fuck. Sam. Focus. You were willing to die for them. Shut up anddiefor everyeone. If you dont theyall die. Whyare yousoselfish whyare you so weak so irrepsonsible sonothing why are you oso

I breathe.
I take another breath.
I breathe again.
I breathe.
I draw out another breath.
Breath #6
I take a breath
Breathe in, breathe out.
I breathe.

I put my hand into that abyss.

I breathe.

My arm every so slightly pushes the door back, making it open more.

I breathe.
I take another breath.

Is this really what Mama wants? I mean, I’ll at least die with honor. That’s more than most of my awful bloodline.

“Fuck you, high cunts,” I mutter. I smile, and I feel the dried blood on my face as my lips move. I’ve forgotten how much of a Nameless One I’m in, right now.

I lick my lips, and savor the taste.

My hand feels numb. It’s better than that pain in the ass I’ve got. Seriously, Dramor needs to calm up. He’d kill his next lover like that.

hahaha. Thinking of sex, now? I chuckle.

I step forward. My entire left arm is within the door. It’s cold, but not chilly.

Gods, I don’t want this. I wanted to be happy. I’m meant to be fucking happy. why is this what i get? a taste of love of not being some naturefucker as that dad said i am a tatse of amore thna just being a druid?

I breathe.
I take another breath.
I breathe again.

I know what to do now.

I raise my right hand to the sky, and I invoke the only move that could possibly be considered fitting now. With the finger raised, I look away from the door. They wanted me to die where I had once looked for answers. So then, I shall go out with dignity. I thought I had lost it when that Nameless One had taken me in.

“Here we are, your royal fucks. I kill your enemy, I die in the process.” The words are a hiss. The tears burn in my eyes.
Fuck, why is my voice so high pitched?

“I hope the next pawn of your games is less fucked than I am,” I add, lowing my hand. I look at my Warhammer, Love’s Fall. I can’t bear to hold it anymore. Tears are bursting out. I bring a hand to my head. It’s a fist, and my wrist starts to smack my own forehead.

“I don’t wanna, please…”
I beg.
I don’t know how long I was begging, crying, at the door. When I was finished, the sun was rising. I could see the sky, dotted with orange. It seems The Lady was kind to me, to show me this as I give in.

I breathe.

“Alright,” I mutter, getting up. I’ll do a run-up. It’s fitting. I was the fastest human in the village. I don’t look at the doorway as I get ready. Staring into the void? I’d piss myself. I’d miss Vaisei. I’d miss the East Empire.
I’d miss.

I being to run towards the door. The grass is wet beneath my feet from the morning dew. I accelerate, watching dirt kick up from my bandaged-feet against the ground. I can’t even feel my toes from adrenaline.

I’m actually doing this. At least people will survive.

The door is so close. I can feel the pull.

I hate this. Let me go.
I keep running.

Fuck. This. Life. Fuck this world, fuck the gods, fuck that Nameless One fuck the East Empire fuckVaiseifuckmefuckthisislandfuckeverything.

can’t breathe.

“…Love you, Dramor,” I mutter.
I couldn’t have said that to him.

Maybe this is for the best. Dying to kill the Nameless One. An earth Nameless One.
Yeah, it would’ve destroyed Vaisei and the whole of Ritfaya to get to me.
Fuck, this is how it should be.
I’ll be one with nature at least
fuck, that Dwarf is going to kill me for dying

I speed up. Meters away. Why am I thinking so much. Why do I have to think so much. Why can’t I stop thinking.

Off I go to
I go.
I’ll probably be in a Hell Realm. I’m so uniquely me, that the gods see it fitting.

A meter.

I jump for the last part. I hope it’s like flying.

God I’ll miss seeing through a bird’s eyes. I’ll miss that fucking seagull.

I feel my arms enter the cold first.
Then my legs.
Then my torso.
It feels so familiar.
Is this what being a Vessel for a nameless One felt like?
It’s been fun, I guess.
Maybe I’ll end up being some spirit’s plaything in the Hell Realms.
That’ll be nice, at least.
Oh, there goes my tongue.
Bairns getts fuzzshy.


“ov yu Dra’or” I manage to mutter.

It feels like
wait, I can think again?
Why do I feel grass?

My eyes were closed. I open them.


I want to scream. I cannot scream.

I’m struggling to breathe.

I made it to Limbo.

Infinite plains of grass on a cloudy day on a shore so similar to the paintings of Fort Nightbolt.
For the undead who did not worship evil. For the Apostles who betrayed their Patron Deity.

I feel numb.

I think I like it.


I breathe.
I take another breath.
I breathe again.

…did I just hear a dragon roar?"

If I was to actually describe my writing style, imagine the Narrator from Slay The Princess.

I think I should write my own short text, it might be interesting.

You’re on a boat in a harbor. At the end of that harbor is a castle. And in the hall of that castle is King Calvus IV.

It is your job to slay him. If you don’t, it will be the end of the War Seas.


Does this mean we are gonna try to romance the calvus

What? No, your job is to slay the king, not lay the king. If you don’t, it’ll be the end of the War Seas.

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you would hate german

I do in fact hate quite a few Germans

literally every noun is capitalised in german

Scientifically yes, our colour vision declines as we age

Alright so I’ve decided to write my philosophy here for anyone who’s curious.

I ALMOST thought about saying my political opinions, but… nah.

I believe everyone deserves a second chance. Everyone has good and evil in them. Everyone has flaws, struggles sometimes, and needs help. I can’t help but help people when they need it. I can’t hate as a result. Because I’ve done wrong, I’ve done bad, I know where they can be coming from, so I know that they need a friend. Sometimes, they need a crucible. A difficult experience to push them beyond their limits and make them stronger. Though, that’s rare.

I see people who struggle, who come from bad places and can’t help but be bad, and I want to lend them a hand. Because a single friend, a guiding hand can make all the difference.

I can’t hate as a result. Because I see the love in people instead. I see the stupid smiles on my former friend’s faces when I remember them. I remember just how sweet my exes were at the beginning of the relationship. I remember how kind my parents can be.

I can’t hate. I can dislike something, but I can’t wish someone misfortune. I can’t make someone think like me. My only hope is to make people see that the more they hate, the more they’ll lose themselves.

One of the major things that inspires me is the story of two cavepeople who’s bodies were discovered. People figured out the man died with several teeth missing. He apparently did not have them for a good chunk of his life. But his life partner, broke apart his food and chewed it and helped him. The other did not have to. They risked themselves by doing so. But still, they were life partners. Still, they loved each other, and the latter caveperson risked it all by helping the one they love.

I use that story as what keeps me going when I’m struggling.


dw, i’ll make up for that :+1:


Pookie no :sob:

You can’t break what’s being held together with duct tape and insect blood (I will not elaborate)

also what

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I prefer keeping things together with paint and nothing else

I mean we shouldn’t just go like “okay you have one more chance”, we need to actually understand what someone went through and talk/comfort them about it or else they won’t change their ways at all.

Not that we should be hating on them at all though, I find your kindness admirable and I do think more people including me should behave like you and calm down on being jerks to others despite what they may of said

How do get better at killing Loki in Marvel Rivals? I main Thor btw.


Become Jeff.

Scare him off the map.