Liù art pit


Well worth it, would recommend to anyone looking to order a commission

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character shenanigans with @pristine


“for why”

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[Destiny OC]

Chimera-1-3, the God Eater

  • Exo Sunbreaker bitch
  • eyeless draconic/knight mask
  • lower horn set + Fallow/Mule deer antlers
  • loyal to Aello for very unknown reasons
  • mute
  • named by Aegaeon
  • aside from Goliath and the collective enemies of humanity, she has the highest kill count of zhēn
  • revived as the d1 character and commited kill to whatever shit happened in d1

Aegaeon (her Ghost)

  • named himself
  • named Chimera-1-3 since she’s mute
  • tactical prowess
  • brutish efficiency
  • thinks of zhēn as being all to impractical in her play antics. "stop playing, this isn't a game. this is war."
  • only listened to by zhēn if she thinks the plan is fun and/or challenging
  • less patience than with yuè but won’t be as . . . blatantly vulgar as her. really, he just uses flowery language to insult her instead of calling her a “bad egg” in mandarin like yuè

Chimera-1-3 (cont)

concept doodles

(what many think is under the mask)

  • Xi Ro type drip
  • had to be dismantled shortly after she was exo’d due to DER troubles
  • "so . . . . she's VERY EFFECTIVE but she doeen't discriminate targets and puts everyone in danger, especially when recovering from field"
  • chews tasers meant to restrain her like candy bars
  • very often confused for being a Hive due to her appearance and demeanor
  • unknown if that’s her mask or actual faces

looked better in sketch hm

  • originally had 4 arms but due to the DER they cause she now only has the usual 2
  • has an auto rifle and sword made from her 2 other arms
  • upon firsr awakening she ripped out her 2 extra arms and used them as weapons against everyone in the room
  • Originally known as “Cadaver-403”

trying to balance Hive, Knight, Titan and Draconic imagery in the same design while not being familiar with ¾ of those

"She's going to be dismantled. Too much of a risk the other units."

"But . . . what of her consciousness? The mind inside is still a precious thing."

"Forget it. It's worthless. She was nothing before this program and now . . . she's far greater than the sum of her parts. Her entire reason for this is proof. It's a shame, really. Perhaps with time we can make more like her. Better than her. But she herself, this 'precious mind' you speak of, is quite disposable."

[convo with a Braytech employee and (probably) Clovis Bray]





Averill best man

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big tiddie man

Entry Point banner pt. 1


sussy baka squad


slight adjustment


hoco planning


I’ve been out of touch, what new lore are you making?

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@LonesomeWolf okay so (if you don’t know) lemme just preface this by telling you that she’s my Destiny oc (along with the following). if you see Goliath-5 (or Goliath) mentioned that’s @pristine 's character. i have stuff on their Ghosts but they’re not that important. if you see the name Minairos crop up she’s also just not that developed so i’m not gonna put her here. this is the entirety of ideas i have for the characters lol

:black_joker: zhēn-yù, the grim trickster

  • name means “innocent/virtuous/loyal jade”
  • nightstalker hunter awoken bitch
  • combat bow (trick shot from the back)
  • Lumos sniper haha
  • dual pistols (holds them upside down bc I SAID SO)
  • scarf
  • hair is braided
  • OG mask (the deer-looking one with red eyes and gas filters)
  • whitetail antlers
  • fingerless gloves w da claw nails
  • knee-high plats
  • bearded vulture face markings
  • “wtf how are you still alive” energy
  • acts on a whim fueled by impulse and curiosity
  • trickster in constant trouble/danger; difficult bc it’s fun/ny
  • despite seldom going to fight in the crucible, she’s “killed” a lot of guardians with her antics and shenanigans (she’s pushed people into space with their ghost to watch them squirm in open space)
  • self-neglect bc she straight-up forgets to do that sometime (except hygiene)
  • calls her ghost a nag but they don’t have a bad relationship
  • xiǎo tù zǎizi 小兔崽子," little rabbit/kitten" (more like “little brat”) - 月 Yuè her ghost
  • “lǎo zéi 老賊 (old but refuses to die)” - 月 Yuè
  • being able to play with death has allowed her to express and experiment with her “psychopathic” curiosities
  • “mǎmǎhǔhǔ (马马虎虎) = sloppy, careless”
  • “bèndàn (笨蛋) = dummy, fool, idiot (lit. “dumb egg”)”
  • “chǔn dàn(蠢蛋)= dummy, fool”
  • "dǎodàn (倒蛋) = “to cause trouble”
  • “huàidàn (坏蛋) = a wicked person. Literally a bad egg”
  • “Nefarious gremlin psychopath” - Cayde 6

Eris Morn

“Unbridled impulse, psychopathic curiosity, and aplayful nature. A horrible mix for someone who isn’t affected by death nor those around her.”

Cayde 6

“Don’t ever let her onto a ship with you. Even if it’s your own. she will hijack it and leave you all for dead in space . . . it’s happened to me more than I’d like to admit. Oh, and make sure to check your ship thoroughly. She tends to play stowaway.”

  • upon first being revived she threw herself off the platform in the EDZ to test the revival shit and yuè was just like :MikeBruh:
  • was on the fire team that killed Uldren and Riven, probably pulled the trigger on him as well
  • likes to collect and sell the fragments of dead-dead guardians and their Ghosts. she has a bunch of armor and weapons and other loot from those she thinks is cool
  • some have a hunch that the collection houses Guardians she’s killed herself, but Zavala and Ikora (and Cadaver and Aello) are very aware that she doesn’t intend to go that far with anything
  • klepto bitchass (another reason not to let her near your ship)

:eagle: Aello, the Harpy of Storm Swift

  • human stormcaller warlock bitch
  • “six-eyed vulture” mask/hood
  • similar imagery/æsthetic to Osiris but like . . . different colors ig
  • gilded talons gloves
  • sambar deer antlers
  • short-ish hair (a bob parted to the right)
  • sword
  • revolver
  • sniper
  • doesn’t approve of zhēn’s antics but knowing that she’ll get a job done if she thinks it’s fun she doesn’t regulate her any
  • morally grey and ethically questionable
  • light/dark are irrelevant to her
  • experiments on guardians and tinkers with guardian exos
  • oldest of the 3
  • antlers attained from Minairos’ bones
  • skull mask is a modified Ahamkara skull (she’s cursed to wear it forever bc she made a wish)
  • occasionally “possessed” by Minairos, the Ahamkara whose skull she bears
  • has heard savathun’s song haha
  • runs an organ dono/transplant company and pharmaceutical testing program in which guarfians donate organs and act as test subjects for new drugs and treatments to test their effectiveness
  • she’s liked by people bc she’s a mysterious allure of hospitality but most guardians think she’s sussy as hell (and she is). this “sussy-ness” is balanced in part by the affable Zephyrus
  • she does a lot of business and investments and yada yada, she’s probably one of the most socially powerful guardians since she has long-standing relations with entire lineages of people
  • isn’t inherently evil nor has she done anything you can flatly call unethical esp in this day n age. she employs elliksni in her hospitals a lot bc they have better “utility” with four arms and good tech skill


“She’s certainly helped strengthen the bond between the people and the Guardians, and yet . . . There’s something off about her. I do not trust her and you aren’t to either.”

  • definitely worked as a higher-up in Braytech with the Exo program
  • Taboo or not, she knows of her past but has told not another soul. only Minairos knows as part of her discovery involved the Ahamkara’s intervention. It was the first wish made to the dragon from a much younger and more naive Aello
  • because of the above, she is one of a few who know who Chimera-403 is
  • color palette is mostly white and blue with markings pretty akin to Bearded Vultures (as this is the bird of her mask)

:skull: Cadaver-1-3, the God Eater

  • Exo Behemoth bitch
  • eyeless draconic/knight mask
  • lower horn set + Fallow/Mule deer antlers
  • loyal to Aello for very unknown reasons
  • mute
  • named by Aegaeon
  • aside from Goliath and the collective enemies of humanity, she has the highest kill count of zhēn
  • revived as the d1 character and commited kill to whatever shit happened in d1
  • Xi Ro type drip
  • had to be dismantled shortly after she was exo’d due to DER troubles
  • “so . . . . she’s VERY EFFECTIVE but she doeen’t discriminate targets and puts everyone in danger, especially when recovering from field”
  • chews tasers meant to restrain her like candy bars
  • very often confused for being a Hive due to her appearance and demeanor
  • unknown if that’s her mask or actual face
  • originally had 4 arms but due to the DER they cause she now only has the usual 2
  • has an auto rifle and sword made from her 2 other arms
  • upon firsr awakening she ripped out her 2 extra arms and used them as weapons against everyone in the room
  • Originally known as “Chimera-403”
  • memory wiped every edit they made to ensure an optimal run (so yes, her memory has been wiped 400+ times)
  • was a proto model for specific combat and was the only of her kind
  • Draconic Knight æsthetic
  • 8’

Clovis Bray

"She's going to be dismantled. Too much of a risk the other units."

Braytech Employee

“But . . . what of her consciousness? The mind inside is still a precious thing.”

Clovis Bray

"Forget it. It's worthless. She was nothing before this program and now . . . she's far greater than the sum of her parts. Her entire reason for this is proof. It's a shame, really. Perhaps with time we can make more like her. Better than her. But she herself, this 'precious mind' you speak of, is quite disposable."

everyone is afraid and they have every right to be. in fact they don’t want her leaving da tower bc she straight-up scares everyone. Aello won’t take her to the clinic/hospital (she doesn’t do this for zhēn for completely different reasons)

@pristine 's character Goliath's opinion

would probably be chill with Cadaver, not like she could snitch on him for anything anyways


Me: I…I-I just wanted the short version
Liu: This is the short version

did not expect this much detail tbh, sounds rlly fun, too bad i’ve never played destiny

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Don’t mean to make this longer but what is Destiny?