Te acrimonys

I got an acrimony and i didnt even notice!!!
talk about how you found your acrimonys

Same thing happened to me like a month ago

skill issue honestly

optical what is wrong with your brain

bro what part of a joke do you not understand

thats not a joke bro that’s just being mean and toxic


I was talking about the didn’t even notice part

yo optical, fuck yo-

(im jumping on the hate train)

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Every time I have got an acrimony from a chest I haven’t noticed it until later. The first time it happened I only noticed when trying to trade with someone and noticed it in my inventory.

ye gonna heart this, any enemy of optical’s is a friend of mine :smile:

Give it to me :rage:
I gib you Old Dagger tat moderm gab me


(point of my joke)

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Yeah that happened to me when I got my first acrimony, except i didn’t know what it was and I sold it to an npc shopkeeper :sob::sob::sob:

Damn, the next player that visited that shop must’ve been pretty happy.
Also why would you ever sell something that has the funny green or red or blue color, you should know that means good stuff (I’ve never got an acrimony so I don’t actually know the rarity).

I never notice tbh, it’s like it just appears in my inventory

Having to explain your joke is a skill issue tbh

truly an optical moment

optical yolu smell like fart :rage::rage::rage:

what’s yolu