Te acrimonys

acrimony is green color while being bright white

That was a joke? That is like youtube shorts humor, did you actually think that people would find that funny lol?

Should I make a topic about roasting Optical?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

It aint that serious lol

but yes lol

alr guys, have at it :rofl:

bruh Maple closed the topic. Come on @Maple let us have a little fun dude.

LMAO (full sentence)


don’t you think making a topic that exists for the sole purpose of insulting someone is a bit much?

we already had one lol

hey hey it was just for fun yk. Optical, you are truly one of the most loved contributors in the ao community

i would have liked to roast optical to be fair

there was already a topic that had a bunch of people wailing on him, we don’t need another

besides, a topic dedicated to something like that is most likely against forum rules

aaaaaaaaaaand that’s why Maple took it down

Also this topic got derailed quite a bit, so please remain on topic.

yeah i got an acrimony on my zerker file from one of the four common chests that spawned on a level 30 captains pirate ship when i beat them up
truly an arcane odyssey

wrong topic
