Looking for any oath keeper for numerous dull amulets and around 950 crowns


Don’t know if this is a good trade or not but I’m desperate

DISCLAIMER: Amount of crowns will keep growing since the only thing I do is run around looking for chests, so If you’re willing to give me oath keeper, but want to wait until I get a REASONABLE amount of crowns, you can. Also when I say REASONABLE, I don’t mean wait until I get like 5k crowns, more like 1.4 or 1.5k.

So basically you want a free oathkeeper? Begging won’t do you much on here. Nobody cares that your desperate, if you want something, grind for it. You could get lucky ripping off a noob with this trade, but it’s unlikely.

Holy shit bro relax it just seems like he doesn’t values goddamn :no_mouth:


Bro how am I begging for an oath keeper? Also it’s not free I literally offered more then a thousand crowns and if you want more then I’ll give you more lmao.

Also if it were that simple everybody would grind and there wouldn’t be a trading system at all since we can all just “grind for it.” Why do you think they made a trading system in the first place lol.

One more thing, Oath keeper is worth around 253 crowns with nothing on it, so I’m basically quadrupling that amount. Giving 1.5k crowns is a very good offer if you ask me, and it’s not like am asking for a full set of Exiled equipment, I’m just asking for his sword lmao.

Anyway you’re completely just wrong you see crowns have no value at all since you can get an infinite amount with crown codes, even 5000 crowns aren’t worth shit.
This might help you out :t_rex:


See I heard some people in game saying crowns were worthless but I didn’t really believe them since it’s literally the currency of the game. But now I understand what they meant, thank you for this bro.

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No worries brodda :+1:

You right.

shitass trade.

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one time a person traded a sturdy exiled chestplate for my 2500 crowns


shitass trade

You see, this is the level of a garbage trade. →

And your trade is down here. →

jesus christ no need to violate him for not knowing values

damn ya’ll really going at it huh lol. Shit bro, my bad I guess for not knowing the values.

The year you took away from the forum is really showing.

yeah looks like I missed a shit ton of information about trading and the game in general

The main things you missed were femtex art and trading changes. Also, AO should be releasing early to mid next year.

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