Looking for cursed WoM images

also explain this to me: how exactly do you supposed I got wooshed?
My post was clearing adding onto the joke.
also to not make this spam time to add a cursed image

i missed the joke

0:27 when you anger the peacekeeper

I wanted to revive dis because i like seeing cursed images



Not mine, but this is definitely hella cursed

link to the post is here https://www.reddit.com/r/worldofmagic/comments/hz30ms/magic_police_probably_arrest_for_this_stuff_too/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

The Mutants are back


King David Silver has acquired the Flight Curse.

He will now make all of us threat makers fly into oblivion. :persevere:

hes smiling too

Russian Roulette blox
Don’t do it

You could just play Russian roulette with a zip 22

or an RPG-7

necro-bump? you are going to Brazil!!

the only threads ur allowed to necro-bump are cursed images ones, all other necrobumpers will be killed

so he isnt going to brazil


get absolutely