Looking for ice arcmancer set (unimbued works )and a Javelin Scroll

i’ll go for 2 T2 for a resilient maybe 4 and i’ll try get you a javelin

I have a full ice arcanium set along with the arcsphere all enchanted with resistance, what are you offering? Mainly looking for exotic scrolls/sunkens.

what tier 2 scrolls do you want?

i already have the acrsphere and helmet so i will only need the armor and pants, if they they enchanted with resilient then i can offer u 6 exotic scrolls of your choosing ( already traded the explosive and dense in case you’re unawared )

Do you have agile, powerful, armoured hasty or brisk?

BTW the chest is drowned

i have 2 hasty, would piercing works in substitute for powerful?

No, sorry

do you still need a resilient scroll?

yeah, still need 4 more

would you mind telling me which exotic scrolls you have? i always get confused between one or the other from their pictures

1 ensnaring
2 amplified
1 charged
2 hasty
1 warship
1 treasurer
3 Toughened
1 goldsight
2 healing
2 piercing

how about a hasty and a toughened for a resilient?

sure, right now or when?

i can do it right now if you can

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