Storm magic: Dark Sea Variant

So in the “list of all magics”, there are lost magic named “Storm”

its really cool concetp of magic, and before falling asleep yesterday i was thinking.

Hold on, its a STORM magic, right? Where its storms the most? DARK SEA!

And thus, i decided to make… Storm Magic, Dark Sea Variant
Im not THAT good in studio, but i can make a simple photoshop and particle stuff :3

Magic Circles


i love burple

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this is seriously so cool. i hope lost magics get variants

darkness and electron have at least two, unless they got scrapped

i dont see why lost/ancient magics cant have variants

but what does it taste like?

ooo wait really? awesomeeee i just thought it was unlikely cuz they have never been really mentioned and stuff but if there are going to be variants PLEASEEEE let there be moonlight aether

I think Ancients won’t, cause there’s no mention of them having such color variations even back then. And with how they functioned (no costomisable spells), it makes sense.

I thnk Losts definitely can, Electron and Darkness def had them planned, but idk how Vetex feels about color variations now. I remember somewhere that he actually doent like the idea of variations now, it just got carried over from WoM to AO, but I likely could be mistaking that for some other statement he said. (He said something similar about some of the hair color, I could be mistaking it for that)

Besides, Elius has a color variation, so Im maybe misremembering or it changed by now.

I really hope you are, cause variations are one of my favorite parts, makes people seem unique even when they use the same magic

yeah he said that he doesn’t like the “dyed” hair colors because they’re too vibrant and unrealistic as in the time period the game takes place in the dyes are not that vibrant but ofc i could be misremembering what he’s said

It was no creatable spells. You have to use spell scrolls for all of them, after that you are free to do whatever you want with those spells.

where’s the wind

i’ve thought of some variations to my lost magic idea

you must be thinking about ancient magic, lost magic can still have basic spells yk

The part I am responding to is referring to ancient magics

Choose your side:
→ Magic color variations are unique! :grin:
→ Magic color variations are reskins. :neutral_face:
→ Magics are all reskins of each other. :unamused:


Magic color variations are unique reskins of each other is what I would say…

ooooooo could you share? i’m curious

oh yeah about that, I’m on my way to becoming suggestor ill post a link in a moment

btw it wont be one of my tryout ideas