Magic customization , tell me how will looks like your magic spells at AO

Q: Blast
E: Snare
R: Explosion
F: Mode
V: Beam
Z: Lost Spell
C: High Jump
X: Ultimate art

Best keybinds^ :nerd_face:

what is aura crash and smah? , also shot and focus and rushodwn

aura is just the last magic spell (buffs you)
the other ones are all the techniques for fighting styles

Iferno fire aura :sunglasses:

It goes crash smash rushdown shot focus airstep

Q - blast
E - 2 - 4 blasts or ult art blast
R - 1 jump
F - one beam, maybe double
Z - speed mode
X - 3 jump
C - placed explo
V - self explo

Q - Blast 100/100
E - Snare
C - Jump [ Right ]
Z - Blast 70/70

Q - 4 small blasts
E - big boy beam
R - you are objectively wrong if its not a self explosion
F - currently my throwaway key, snare
C - 100% leap
V - bug abuse 50% leap until it gets fixed
X - ultimate big boy blast
Z - aura which i never used

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probably gonna change in ao, but here’s what i have in wom rn

q - 50% blast
e - 100% blast
r - double 100% placed sphere explosion
f - triple 50% blast
c - 100% leap
v - 20 20% blasts (platforms only)
x - 50% beam
z - 100% beam

probably just gonna remove some duplicates like the blast and beam so i can have snare and aura

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Adjusted for my release moveset
q: Blast (Either cube or phoenix shaped)
E; Self explosion
R: jump
F; 5 blast sword shaped
C: Placed pillar explosion ult art
V: Dual beam
X: Aura
Z: Snare

i hope foot is added as a shape

Q Octagonal ash blast!
E square root ash laser
R spherical rise
F square ash barrage!
C elliptical explosion!

What the fuck

Self cocking

@OLEG would enjoy this

Q: blast spell “Shadow lash” (X slash shape)
E: self explosion “Heavy darkness”
R: 100% forward high jump “Rising silhouette”
F: placed explosion 2 duration “Dusk Vortex”
V: 100% beam “midnight strike”
C: 5x miniblasts “Umbral wisps”

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