Magius in Worldbox but I let people claim and rule a territory (totally good idea trust)

I did what I could with how the villages formed :sob:

summerhold is standing strong!

Summerhold hasn’t been carried away by people expanding the territory.
Not everyone can say the same about their towns

@TheTom Most of the territories surrounding Saveria seem ready to go to war given they have the advantage having them surrounded. Are you with them?

Oh also @DubiousLittleTyp0 keihatsu might be going to war with Saveria given Sock is pretty much ready to with hyperspace and mongoose, you in as well?

I’m having to keep track of the politics here

@Ultimateblaze75 i am obviously very trustworthy as an ally
which is why we should mutually protect the southeast

The southeast does have quite a few smaller territories, so having an alliance there could help. Also the two of us are in between the southeast and everyone else.

we’re both bordering people with up to almost thrice our own populations
an alliance could deter possible invasions, and probably rally the rest of the southeast behind it

Yeah I’d be up for that. Hopefully the rest of the southeast join as well, otherwise we would just have an awkward wall of territories.

depends, what are we up against

best case scenario I’ll just be a materials supplier for sock but I don’t think my people are really good for frontlining

guess the alliance now exists
@GlitchingEclipse thee.

in red, the enemy
in green, our potential allies

holy shit you dont have to annihilate him that hard


okay, well, I’ll be supplying sock with supplies so they can deal with this threat hopefully quicker.

(what did they do wrong anyway?)

You might have to be more of the combat force of the alliance since you have things like bloodlust whereas i have weakness

Both of us are immune though so sickness won’t be an issue

Grunt’s been kinda threatening to go to war with the nearest by settlement

he did not realize he is in the middle of everybody


bro’s already tryna incite chaos :skull: nuh uh

take my ammo and go get em’

btw @GlitchingEclipse you’re aware me and @sock are already in an alliance right

yeah i know