Magius in Worldbox but I let people claim and rule a territory (totally good idea trust)

these two spawn acid/fire when you die

this one is from getting 11 or so kills

pretty sure this is the acid version of the fire walk thing

this freezes the ground and I think sometimes freezes people solid around the person with the trait, could be busted?

keep this unavailable but to more accurately describe it, you are a living tornado

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How big is the radius of this effect?

It slowly builds up in area so if the person doesnt stay in the general area it isnt too bad, but if they do its small-medium sized area. However, it can get quite bad if multiple entities have it, as it literally stunlocks any non-freeze proof entity and makes the ground freeze MUCH faster

grrrrr why did i get excluded

at the ashen volcano rn, the fuck he at im delivering the declaration of war

also @GlitchingEclipse when next year

running it now trust

Here is the event lineup for the incoming 5 years:

Natural Disaster
Fucking explodes
Early Halloween
Evil wizard
Dragon invades
Cold Tower
Hot tower
biome growth


Year 611

Nothing happens in year 611

Year 612

A riot from a group of salty New Greeks happens in Alvarian territory, though it was managed to be quelled enough before anything further could occur

Year 613

More infrastructure blows up, this time of a fountain in the Skylian territory. Witnesses claimed to have spotted a rogue wizard in red robes having committed the act of terrorism, though the validity of these claims is questionable. A search is being conducted by the Skylian army for this potential convict.

Year 614

An oasis has appeared within the Ember Desert out of what seems pure randomness.

Year 615

The man in the volcano is interviewed! (Interviews from now on after this will be of kings and/or other officials depending on who I roll afterwards)

I will get to writing the Magius News articles for these soon :troller:

Sore losers amirite :roll_eyes:

Wait if we get chosen for interviews do we actually get to answer questions or is it just a thing that happens

I’ll ask you guys some basic questions that you can answer (That may or may not be biased questions / some things cut from context depending on the interviewer trust)

Fuckin new Greek propaganda


give my man in the volcano fire resistance, fire blood and fire walk so he can be one with it

Pretty sure that’s just Trigno, he’s somewhere on Magius at this time anyway

I did give him fire resistance

hes a fire/magma mage real!!

Every halloween movie in a nutshell

Does he belong to any culture or does he just do his own thing?

He’s alelean

You can’t really have a human that isn’t tied to a culture / kingdom in Worldbox