reasonable reaction
I was told to sneak one in by someone
Anyways fun little thing I did for the volcano
I added infernal biome spots in here. I thought it’d be pretty cool.
Anyways, I will now talk about the crackhead idea I had to do something with this map, aka the something else I was talking about before.
Basically, hear me out:
I spawn groups of humans for the cultures in the game, then let forumers claim one of the cultures and thus become the king in that culture, and then have them all fight in a war and see which one wins.
Could that potentially work?
Let me be king ong fr fr fr
Alright, started on the cultures now and have spawned humans. However, there are now a bunch of extra kingdoms that are NOT meant to exist
Give me a moment as I get rid of most of these unnecessary ones
Alright, this is how the kingdom layer stands now as of current
I’ll post all them in a list with each village later
Is this canon?
Also the among us is within the canopian territory
to the actual game? Not really. I can’t control precisely how the cultures move around so I just dropped them in a general area they stay in.
Why would you dare not include Riverville if you’re using both
It didn’t have a town generate for it quite yet, Riverville is there now.
I can’t wait to see which nation beings invading first
When do we get to claim cultures like you said?
magius was unironically fire but holy shit i am not trying to travel allat on foot LOL
me when i forgor
anyway imma make a new topic for the semi culture tourney
Alright, here it is.