Make A Grave Description

Ben Lamina
June 6, 666 - June 9, 4200
died from ligma
“necromancers don’t dare you go near my grave or i will haunt your family and your descendants”

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Evelynn Salore
August 13th 2021 - August 14th 2021
Died to infancy complications
“goo goo”


posted cringe
“Not if I kill me first!”

Darwin Grel
April 9th XX03 - August 15th XX16
Died to torment
“Man, I shouldn’t have trusted that guy.”

And if its possible for me to throw another one in:

Ian Booth
June 3rd XX04 - August 16th XX16
Died to torment
" "

there is nothing etched on

Some random Mud Magic wizard
December 32nd, 2020 – February 30th, XXXX
Mindbreak; they tried to mutate their 3rd mind to Mud
“Ultimate Art: Swamp!”

Struck by lightning
“Tigerbaby is bad.”

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