Make the most wrong opinion possible

Clash Royale is fun

Watching Raid: Shadow Legends sponsorships are fun

theft is just borrowing somthing without someoneā€™s knowledge.

not the most wrong opinion since it is sometimes true.

if i take something from you without permission but intend to return it to you (and actually do), one could technically call that borrowing and theft at the same time.

ā€œSurprise Communismā€

you should not have said that.

Me with my computer muted:

Impediment Void

ok I have a better one
one piece is a mistake and gachalife puts the mona lisa to shame in artistic beauty.

to bad becauseā€¦

My volume is still muted tube com/ watch?v=paEJPjzJMcQ
ah ha I have posted a good video and not only canā€™t you just push it and play it on a second device, but you have unmute to hear it,

insert evil laugh here.

Ah yes, this floor here is made out of floor.

The jews deserved what happened after the first crusade and the Black Death

i thought it was going in a very different direction
thank god it didnt

After the first crusade crazy ass people raided the jews and killed them, and when the Black Death came along some blamed the jews for poisoning the water (even though they also used it too) and did it all over again

minecraft bedrock users deserve to get yeeted into a java players house

Earth isnā€™t the coolest magic

my balls dont itch

wind is the worst magic in the game and so is shadow

they said wrong
ALos Uhm Oimg U Necrobumped asbosdi9phosdyvgj asdbnkhisvgjbhsuohasdb Ummm IM GGoing To Die Of Bran Caner Oh Noawjsa