at what point will you consider the game out of testing phase? when all origin magics are finished?
I can’t wait for the 4th arcane installment to be put in public testing!
bro’s put more work in writing the trello
well you need a good plan before you start bringing it to life
pre alpha and alpha will both be open testing, beta will be closed but i might consider paid access or a few open tests
pre alpha will be considered complete when all of the base systems are done (spell loadout making, magic obtainment, world events, etc)
alpha will be considered done when all the origin magics are added
the game will release probably around the time i finish adding all the current magic ideas and a few world events, and every update will probably add a new magic with new world events/maps coming occasionally
havent updated in a bit made a new map and game has new links now
full game: [Pre-Alpha] Arcane Arena - Roblox
testing server: Arcane Arena Testing Server - Roblox
discord server link is in the description of the games now
lets goooo we got a game map
No :]
thats the old link
the one place il never go
in all seriousness though, what is being a tester like? Does it stop you from getting exited for updates?
it means we can do fun things before they are nerfed like making attacks the size of sameria with 1000 size
breaking every building, every tree, everything at once makes sounds like fps hell, but fun at the same time
it’s better than ao!
A look at the 3rd phase of Fire Cutter, Fire’s AoE ability
This attack has a long charge up time, and in return deals high damage that ignores 25% of the target’s defense
how many people are still interested
- hi
a bunch of stuff that has been made in the past few months
forest of realities map revamp
killfeed + unique death messages
fire aoe 3rd charge revamp
spell quickswitching
backend for leveling, warping (magic spinning + variant calculations), map music/ambience, and more
for new people heres the discord invite Arcane Arena