Updated shop!!!
Yo I got 3 mino sets what you got
i got good loot for u in return, what do u want for those 3 mino sets?
Hmm, I would like to keep 1, and would like another WoJ
so 2 mino sets for a woj?
I don’t think that’s a fair trade though. What enchant WoJ you got
i got heavys but i think thats not worth it imo ( lets talk in discord )
add me cloak#6449
Alright so can’t really do that rn cause school, so after I will hit you up just msg your info.
Or that works
Forum dms exist too you know
thank you very much
how much is a lot? boss drops or sunkens?
i fish sometimes so ill give my exotic and legendary rotten fish to you if you want them badly
where are the cloaks?
none yet i was just gonna ask what you would give for them though
depends on the fishes tbh, but i can give some boss drops for them. it also depends how many you give
hello hello who dis
im a new trader in the community