Me and my friends asked chatgpt about AO, results were shocking

poor optical

It ain’t wrong though

this is sadly spot on

Unfortunately, I cannot open ChatGPT.

God these posts are so old.

But still, I’m surprised.

Ok I did this. Damn. ChatGPT ain’t wrong though.

Ok bye guys I think I’m going to prepare myself for the inevitable AI takeover.

as the egotistical individual i am, i researched myself…


Holy fuck it also links to my morock thread :sob::pray:

which of your morock threads

if yall are using gpt4 can you search me up on it (im too poor)

the one that was made for me after i asserted my dominance over another thread
(the one made by misinput)

chatgpt is free?

but here:

i also sent the links they sourced 4 u

It forgot to mention the blue eyed king Morock creed

gpt4 is free but only limited uses per day for free users

It won’t let me use it for some reason, can you search me too? I might not be active enough for it, though

here :fire:

How the fuck do some of you have your own unique descriptions and others have generic description 1 2 and 3

atualizalção pronta!
let’s ask chatgpt who’s vertexgames

chatgpt just acknowledges that my quest for salvation when it comes to Morock is righteous.

(it all depends on what links/messages appear for the forums on google which chatgpt can assume the context of)

It even knows that optical is a dumbass :sob::pray:

javelin for strenth class!!1!