Media war i guess

you want a real media war?

join this server now!

(Do not join! :joy:)



(Server is good)

i gtg now anyways eye appointment

Epic hidden text fail

im sorry for pinging you at that time I just wanted to see your reaction :pensive:

giga chad move

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You pinged me after I saw it bro :skull:

oh :moyai:

try and counter this flex

self-caught pvp ranged hw variant purple ikazune

(for unspecified reasons this is a joke)

one rusty can for it now no more LL more memes

I scrolled up faster than thought possible, contemplated life for a few minutes, and left the server


just realize there will be alot more on release

Iā€™m not rejoining it :fr:

Nvm your in trello updates


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Live reaction