
Brings me back to the first reason
the ego boost


If your ego gets boosted by failing to gank someone you are beyond saving

Also ego from lobotomy corp???

My ego gets boosted whenever somebody uses love potion as to me it equals to combat logging (too much of a baby to fight back :fire:)

sorry bud!!!
ego is a real definition

Damn bro can NOT handle the fact people are able to avoid dying

On that 2000 player kills, 0 max level player kills grindset

I’ve seen worse lil bro

You dont know buddy

also it has meme tag, so it’s fine

are you an rb1 alt

I think you mean the 1969 Chevrolet Camaro

Leave me alone Arpee, you aren’t real…


First time i’ve gotten leave me alone.

Ok fine, respectable

arpee and optie need to be locked up in a preschool

flare wyd when I get good armor and I learn how to play mage (the most brainrotted class) and we 1v1 fr…

I’ll be waiting till you 0-3 me
and then I can finally rest from bullying you 24/7

you acting like you weren’t gonna get cooked on that zerker file dawg :skull:

(damn you key)

Blame key

Gonna have to grind up a bit so I have all this good armor for AO update

I can then use them for my advantage when I swap Ashlyn’s magic for something else (plasma because I don’t wanna use my 5th gen file :sob:)

Says the one who’s 3’ 6"

that is inhumanly impossible unless your abnormal

which im not

probably taller then you im betting, nice try projecting

Please make normal topics

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I’m going mental.