
*the screenshots fyi

I hope Opthic gets a happy birthday just like Shakespeare did :blush:

F*** you bro

That’s not nice

I didn’t make this topic for hate, stop derailing

I won’t because you said it.

No, @Mr_hyperspace is my new gen goat :pray:

I played wom on an different account Yknow (I forgot the password)

tag the acc

By “I forgot the password” I mean I may or may not have been hacked

(I genuinely don’t know where it went but either the account got hacked and the username changed or it somehow got deleted)

W Deron

Digging up old messages prior to your joining is crazy

I was lurking on here for far longer than you’d think before I created an account (pre brewing update)

Damn optical must be THE OPP if he was able to draw the anger of so many randoms.

Mf even had a bounty on his head in balancecord once pre-nimbus.


It’s closer to everyone else being his opp tbh. He has a reputation for just saying something on a post that does literally nothing to contribute, drawing a ton of negative attention from the rest of the forums

Can’t spell opps without the op in @opticalcord :fist:

Optical is OP

You’re right, while optie can sometimes be rude, it could be because he has a short fuse, or lacks the ability to understand properly

Also drama

so this?

(i know people like this it’s painful)

Yeah honestly exactly like that


What what did i do